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Teeth whitening

Everyone’s tooth colour is different. It all depends on your diet, age, lifestyle choices and exposure to certain medications.


Drinking red wine, tea and coffee, along with smoking, are the most common causes of teeth staining.


Teeth typically improve by 2-6 shades at the initial whitening treatment. Normally one session will significantly whiten your teeth. However, some people require an additional session.


At LightenUp, we apply a low strength hydrogen peroxide-based whitening gel to the teeth.


A high radiance light, with a built-in ultrasonic system, is placed over the teeth to accelerate the whitening process. The advanced technology produces superior results compared to other commonly used light sources.

Typically, clients need three 12-15 minute light cycles at their first appointment. 

The shade of your teeth is recorded before and after the treatment to gauge the effectiveness.

First appointment

First appointments generally take around 1hr 15mins. This gives us plenty of time to explain the procedure and potential risks, and assess your suitability for teeth whitening. 

Follow up sessions are between 20-40 minutes.

Female white toothy smile
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